Blog : runnoff

Mad Dog Mail Helps Re-Elect Sixteen Louisiana House Incumbents.


Mad Dog Mail is extremely proud to have helped 16 Louisiana Democratic State Representatives facing opposition this year win outright on Saturday, Oct. 22. We did not lose a single Democratic incumbent on election night, nor was a single Democratic incumbent forced into a runoff.

Our incumbents won in a tough political and economic climate. Our winning margin for districts under 50% DPI was 56.9%. The average vote percentage for all incumbents was 68%.

Three incumbents, in conservative districts, stand out because of the avalanche of opposition spending from the Louisiana Republican Party and Republican PACs.

 In a district where polling showed the generic ballot at 45% R to just 25% D, Rep. James Armes won a tough three-way race without a run-off, recieving over 55% of the vote. Rep. Bernard LeBas won a three-way race outright in the primary with 52% of the vote even a district where polling showed the generic ballot 42% R to 33% D. Rep. Jack Montoucet won handily with 63% of the vote despite being targeted heavily by Republicans and running in a district with the generic ballot of 44% R to 28% D.

Additionally, Mad Dog Mail is proud to have helped reelect:

Andy Anders with 69% of the vote
Robert Johnson with 63% of the vote
Regina Barrow with 64% of the vote
Dorothy Sue Hill with 78% of the vote
A. B. Franklin with 78% of the vote
Ledricka Thierry with 79% of the vote
Jerry “Truck” Gisclair with 59% of the vote
Karen St. Germain with 86% of the vote
Dalton Honore with 62% of the vote
Pat Smith with 61% of the vote
John Bel Edwards with 83% of the vote
Robert E. Billiot with 57% of the vote
Neil Abramson with 74% of the vote

Mad Dog Mail is also very excited to have helped seven open-seat or challenger candidates into runoffs, which will be decided on Saturday, Nov. 19th.

If you have a tough election facing you, like Louisiana did, call us – we’d love to help.